The experts for certification and monitoring of pipe systems

The SKZ certification body, accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065, has already awarded more than 800 certificates in the pipe sector. In addition, the inspectors test production facilities in over 30 countries worldwide and carry out product monitoring in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020.

Whether waste water, drinking water or underfloor heating systems – as well as microducts for broadband expansion – products from all these sectors can be tested and certified according to the specifications of the “SKZ HR”. The renowned SKZ mark stands for quality and trust and enjoys a high reputation both nationally and internationally. More than 800 certificates already prove the high demand for our certifications.

This is how manufacturers receive the SKZ mark:

First, manufacturers receive an offer and all the necessary information for testing and certification. The sample material is then delivered to the SKZ. The products are then tested in the SKZ laboratory. After a positive test process, a test report is issued. In the next step, the production facility is inspected by an SKZ auditor. A contract is then drawn up for the award of the SKZ mark and a monitoring contract is drawn up, which provides for semi-annual or annual monitoring. Finally, the SKZ mark is awarded with an individual SKZ number.

In addition, the SKZ works together with numerous national and international partner certifiers to ensure the highest quality standards in the production companies. The partners include DVGW, DIN CERTCO, eurofins, WRAS, SVGW, Q+, ÖNorm and Afnor.

“Our semi-annual or annual inspections of the production facilities and the testing of products on behalf of these certifiers guarantee continuous quality assurance,” says Christian Winkler, Group Manager Pipe Systems at SKZ.

“The SKZ stands for innovation, quality and partnership. We are proud to offer our customers and partners the security they need to be successful in a highly competitive market,” continues Winkler.

Further information on the SKZ’s certification processes can be found on the website at or by contacting us directly.

An overview of the current SKZ certificates can be found at

Über FSKZ e. V.

The SKZ is climate protection company and a member of the Zuse Association. This is an association of independent, industry-related research institutions that pursue the goal of improving the performance and competitiveness of industry, especially SMEs, through innovation and networking.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

FSKZ e. V.
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 931 4104-0

Christian Winkler
Group Manager | Pipe Systems
Telefon: +49 (931) 4104-240
Pia Lehnfeld
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 931 4104-197
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